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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 精密与特种加工教育部重点实验室 副主任; 中国光整加工专业委员会 主任委员; 中国生产工程学会 常务理事; 中国国际磨粒加工技术学会(ICAT)常务理事
联系方式:0411-84706138 gaohang@dlut.edu.cn
- [141]王一奇, 刘学术, 高航.A progressive damage model for composites with considering prediction of damage evolution stages[A],第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会( CCCM-3),2022
- [142]Yang, Yuxing, 刘学术, 王一奇, 高航, Li, Rupeng, 鲍永杰.A progressive damage model for predicting damage evolution of laminated composites subjected to...[J],COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,151:85-93
- [143]萧胜磊, 王鹏, 高航, Soulat, Damien.A study of abrasive waterjet multi-pass cutting on kerf quality of carbon fiber-reinforced plas...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2022,105(11,SI):4527-4537
- [144]高航, 鲍永杰.A study of drilling uni-directional carbonepoxy[J],Int. J. Abrasive Technology,2022,4(1):1-13
- [145]高航, 鲍永杰, Feng Z.M..A study of drilling uni-directional carbon/epoxy composites[J],International Journal of Abrasive Technology,2022,4(1):1-13
- [146]Zhang, Guiguan, Sun, Yuli, 高航, Zuo, Dunwen, 刘旭.A theoretical and experimental investigation of particle embedding and erosion behaviour of PDMS ...[J],WEAR,2022,486-487
- [147]Shen, X. Q., 高航.A study of polishing processing of curving diamond-films deposited by CVD[A],International Conference on Surface Finishing Technology and Surface Engineering (ICSFT2006),2022,669-+
- [148]王一奇, 刘学术, 鲍永杰, 高航.A stiffness model for unidirectional composite bolted joints[A],The 21st International Conference on Composite Materials,2022
- [149]Wei, Haibo, 王宣平, 高航, Peng, Can, 王续跃.A Study on the Influences of Abrasive Media's Viscoelasticity on Entrance Effect in Abrasive Fl...[J],JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,141(6)
- [150]Zheng, Ziwen, Chen, Haofeng, Dai, Yifan, 高航, Wang, Guilin, 李筱平.A Vacuum Sucking Approach to Preventing Chips from Attaching to Machined Surface in Cutting of KD...[A],ADVANCES IN MATERIALS PROCESSING IX,2022,443:573-+
- [151]王旭, 高航, Chen, Yuchuan, 郭东明.A water dissolution method for removing micro-waviness caused by SPDT process on KDP crystals[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2022,85(5-8):1347-1360
- [152]Fu, Youzhi, 王宣平, 高航, Wei, Haibo, Li, Shichong.Blade surface uniformity of blisk finished by abrasive flow machining[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2022,84(5-8):1725-1735
- [153]鲍永杰, 高航, 董波, 李兰柱.C/E复合材料"以磨代钻"制孔工艺[J],宇航材料工艺,2022,4:47-49
- [154]王奔, 高航, 毕铭智, 庄原.C/E复合材料螺旋铣削制孔方法抑制缺陷产生的机理[J],机械工程学报,2022,15:173-181
- [155]Zhang, Guiguan, Sun, Yuli, 高航, 刘旭, Zuo, Dunwen.Characteristics of cryogenic abrasive air-jet direct-write machining: A comparison with abrasive ...[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2022,299
- [156]张振宇, 高航, Jie, Wanqi, 郭东明, 康仁科, 李彦.Chemical mechanical polishing and nanomechanics of semiconductor CdZnTe single crystals[J],SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,23(10)
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- [159]李军, 高航, Qu, L., Rentsch, R..Characterization of dynamic properties of coating-substrate system by molecular dynamics simula...[A],International Conference on Surface Finishing Technology and Surface Engineering (ICSFT2006),2022,635-+
- [160]Qu, Ligang, Li, Jianhui, 高航.Computer-aided static and dynamic properties design of the frame of electrical slag founding furn...[A],2022,297-300 IV:2261-2265