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Study on Self-Adaptive Message Scheduler Used for the Vehicle Ad-hoc Network


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-09-01


Included Journals:SCIE



Page Number:1285-1305

ISSN No.:1016-2364

Key Words:vehicle ad-hoc network; communication layer; queuing theory instantaneity; predictive coding; data compression

Abstract:To satisfy the strict demands of VANET (vehicular ad-hoc network) on communication rate, response speed as well as on reliability, a communication sublayer that provides reliable, real-time and qualified communication services for upper applications is constructed in VANET. By using the queuing theory and based on researching the message queues in VANET, the current study designed a scheme for optimizing the communication sublayer, and proposed mechanisms for message compression, sending-frequency self-adaption as well as for data transmission compression, which make up an easy-to-be deployed framework that provides safe, real-time and standard self-adaptive communication services for upper applications and which solve the problem that previous VANET communication is not reliable and real-time. Through simulation and real vehicle experiments,we verify that the design can well satisfy the communication requirements of VANET in terms of performance and functionality, bandwidth occupancy decrease by 47.8 % and 11.4% relatively compared with CMS (common message set) and unoptimized MD (message dispatcher) decreased,compared with CMS and unoptimized MD, the transmission frequency can decrease by 60% and 6.1%, and data compression ratio is 12.3%, thus proving the effectiveness of our scheme.

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