Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2007-08-16
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus
Page Number:563-566
Key Words:embeded communication; LZW; bridge detection; OMAP5912; wireless network
Abstract:Bridge detection with embedded system makes detection easier, and improve the automation and accuracy of measurement. But there are a lot of data in the process of detection, such as: displacement, strain, amplitude and so on. On the other hand, storage resources and data transmission speed in an embedded system are usually limited. To resolve this conflict, this paper presents a new method to detect bridge with data compression. The speed of data transmission and storage resources issues are partly resolved in this method, which usually exist in an embedded system. The system also reduces communication time and costs, extendes equipment use time. With wireless network, it achieves bridge detection elsewhere.