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Implementation and evaluation of WAVE 1609.4/802.11p in ns-3


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2014-05-07

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Abstract:Since the IEEE 1609/WAVE standards were published, much research has continued on validation and optimization. However, precise simulation models of these standards are lacking recently, especially within the ns-3 network simulator. In this paper, we present the ns-3 implementation details of the IEEE 1609.4 and IEEE 802.11p standards which are key elements of the WAVE MAC layer. Moreover we discuss some implementation issues and describe our solutions. Lastly, we also analyze and evaluate the performance of the WAVE MAC layer with the implemented model. Our simulation results show that multiple channel operation specified in the WAVE standards could impact vehicular wireless communication differently, depending on the different scenarios, and the results should be considered carefully during the development of VANET applications. Copyright 2014 ACM.

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