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A new audio watermarking method for copyright protection and tampering localization


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2008-06-18

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Abstract:The rapid growth of Internet and digital multimedia has made the authority and integrity of audio information more and more important issues. To protect digital works against illegal use and tampering, the digital audio watermarking technique has been presented and widely researched. In this paper, a new multipurpose audio watermarking method is proposed. The region of interest (ROI) audio and one binary watermark image are two robust watermark signals which achieve the purpose of protecting the crucial part of the host signal and copyright simultaneously. In the extracting procedure, fast fixed-point independent component analysis (FastICA) algorithm is adopted to extract the two robust watermarks, and detect tampering areas automatically without embedding a fragile watermark. Experimental results show the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method. © 2008 IEEE.

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