Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2009-09-01
Journal:ICIC Express Letters
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:615-619
Abstract:The iterative decision method has been proposed to solve the optimalmultiuser detection (OMD) problem efficiently [6-9]. In contrast to conventionaldetection methods, this method can determine most binary variables of OMDoptimally, rather than approximately, with a low computational complexity.However, the reason that the iterative decision method works so efficiently forOMD has not yet been well established. In this paper, we present a systematicanswer to this question. Invoking the properties of OMD, we prove that theiterative decision method can optimally determine the binary variables of OMDwith a high predictable probability and furthermore, we determine theprobability explicitly in terms of system configurations. These provide solidtheoretical foundations for the justification and efficiency of the iterativedecision method for solving the OMD problem. Since the probability depends onthe configuration parameters in a complex fashion, we also present anapproximation for the probability dependence that can be calculated more easily.ICIC International ? 2009.