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Numerical simulation of the role of the utriculo-endolymphatic valve. in the rotation-sensing capabilities of semicircular canals


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-06-14


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、PubMed



Page Number:1532-1539

ISSN No.:0021-9290

Key Words:The utriculo-endolymphatic valve; Semicircular canal; Finite element; Fluid structural interaction

Abstract:The utriculo-endolymphatic valve (UEV) has an uncertain function, but its opening and closure have been predicted to maintain a constant endolymphatic pressure within the semicircular canals (SCCs) and the utricle of the inner ear. Here, the study's aim was to examine the role of the UEV in regulating the capabilities of the 3 SCCs in sensing angular acceleration by using the finite element method. The results of the developed model showed endolymphatic flow and cupula displacement patterns in good agreement with previous experiments. Moreover, the open valve was predicted to permit endolymph exchange between the 2 parts of the membranous labyrinth during head rotation and, in comparison to the closed valve, to result in a reinforced endolymph flow in the utricle and an enhanced or weakened cupula deflection. Further, the model predicted an increase in the size of the orifice would result in greater endolymph exchange and thereby to a greater impact on cupula deflection. The model findings suggest the UEV plays a crucial role in the preservation of inner ear sensory function. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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