Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2009-12-26
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus
Page Number:1887-1890
Key Words:High speed machining; Primary Shear Zone; Adiabatic Shear Band; Microstructure; Microhardness
Abstract:The microstructure observation and microhardness measurement were performed on the adiabatic shear bands in primary shear zone in the serrated chips formed during high speed machining of two tempering hardness of hardened high strength steel under different cutting speeds by optical microscope, SEM, TEM and microhardness tester. The investigation results show that two types of adiabatic shear bands are formed as cutting speed increases. One is deformed band with heavy elongated microstructures generated under lower cutting speed, another is transformed band with fine grains under higher cutting speed. The increase of the cutting speed little influences on the microhardness in the transformed bands, and the microhardness in deformed band results from strain hardening, whereas transformation hardening leads to very high microhardness in transformed band.