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A two step method for tower structure damage location


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-01-01

Journal:International Journal of Performability Engineering

Included Journals:EI



Page Number:95-106

ISSN No.:09731318

Abstract:For a tower structure containing many bars, the possible number of damage patterns in a tower is numerous. To solve this problem, a new two-step method was proposed based on a cross-correlation function and second generation wavelets. First step, by comparing the peaks of cross-correlation function, damage basic units can be found. Second step, we select a suitable second generation wavelet for distinguishing damage patterns with vector angle similarity measure. SVM are used to pinpoint damage bar last. Test result indicates that this method has good locating accuracy. © Totem Publisher, Inc., 4625 Stargazer Dr., Plano, Printed in U.S.A.

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