Hits: Date:2020-10-15
Author:Yuanxiu Wang (Yulin Mei's daughter)
( The article was chosen from the author's first book written in 2014 when she was studying at Lux Middle School in the USA as a 12-year-old sixth grader )
Chapter I: Born in Wartime
Bam! A gunshot blasted out. As a child, Xiuqin grabbed hold of her mother’s hand. Her heart pounded fast. It was War.
Xiuqin Yan, my grandmother, has the most amazing life I have ever heard.
On April 20th, 1945, Xiuqin was born in a poor family in China. Her early life was not happy. Her mom was a housewife, and her dad was a laborer working for the Japanese. She was the second child and had an old sister. In her first four years, China was in war, first against Japan and then the government. Many people suffered from food shortage and starved to death. Life wasn’t as easy as it is right now.
Not long after Xiuqin was born, her mom got the plague virus which was an infectious disease planted by the Japanese. The disease was quickly spreading through the town. Her dad took care of her mom for a long time. The virus damaged her mom's inner organs. She had a high fever and vomited very often. Many neighbors died of the disease. The whole family was worried about her. However, after a few weeks, she was healed luckily.
When Xiuqin was a baby, she was very cute and behaved very well. A pair of big bright eyes, brown skin and thick dark hair all belonged to her. Many people seeing the pretty girl for the first time thought that she was a foreign child but not a Chinese girl. To keep her busy, her mom usually gave her a mirror to play with. She was very interested in the only toy. Her sister didn’t behave as well as she did and always cried.The picture was taken in 1961.