Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2011-06-19
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:158-164
Abstract:In this study, ship motions coupled with liquid sloshing are obtained using boundary element methods. Both the ship motion and sloshing problems are considered in linear regime. To couple the two problems, two different methods are applied: a combined wave Green function method and Rankine panel method based on frequency-domain formulation, and a Rankine panel method based on time-domain formulation. The motion responses of a LNG-FPSO with two partially-filled tanks are obtained in regular wave conditions, and the solutions are compared with experimental results. From this study, it can be shown that the linear analysis is acceptable with reasonable accuracy for the prediction of global motion response. Therefore, it can be used as a practical tool to prescreen the coupling effects of ship motions and sloshing. Copyright ? 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).