Zhang Zhao
Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:Professor in Process Mechanics
Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology
Degree:Doctoral Degree
School/Department:Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology
Discipline:mechanics of manufacturing process. Engineering Mechanics. Computational Mechanics
Business Address:Room 619,Integrated Laboratory building (1#)
Contact Information:+86-411-84708432 zhangz@dlut.edu.cn
Indexed by:Journal Papers
Date of Publication:2016-02-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:1882-1895
ISSN No.:0022-2461
Abstract:Adaptive remeshing finite element model is used for the prediction of material behavior and temperature histories in friction stir welding (FSW). Then, Monte Carlo method with nucleation in every MC step is used for the simulation of the grain growth in FSW. In addition, the process of dynamic recrystallization which results in the nucleation of new grains has been modeled. The model is validated by comparison of both experiments and numerical results from the literature. The width of the stirring zone has been estimated by monitoring the movements of the traced material particles and by identifying the region containing dynamically recrystallized fine grains. The inner border of the heat-affected zone has been determined by monitoring the material flow, while the outer border has been identified by monitoring the average grain size as a function of the lateral distance from the weld. The effect of two FSW process parameters, tool rotational speed and tool shoulder diameter, is investigated. An increase in either of these two parameters has been found to increase the overall grain size as well as the width of the welding zones.
Zhang Zhao, Ph.D., Professor in Process Mechanics.
Editorial member in Coatings (IF:2.881) from 2020 to 2022.
Editorial member in Crystals (IF:2.589) from 2020 to 2022.
Younth editorial member in Journal of Central South University(IF:1.716) from 2020 to 2022.
Professor Zhang has published more than 60 SCI publications with over 1100 citations. He served as reviewers for more than 30 international journals. His main pulications can be found:
The scientific research focuses on experimental and numerical works on friction stir welding/processing/additive manufacturing, numerical modelling and simulation of additive manufacuring, topological design of phononic crystals, locomotive and high speed train design.