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Weifeng Sun
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Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[31]tianlinlin, Mike LI, Weifeng Sun, Xiaowei Zhao, wangbin, majie.Evolution of cooperation based on reputation on dynamical networks[A],11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom-2012,2022,1399-1404
[32]Chen Y., Mike LI, Weifeng Sun, Shu L., Cheng X..GPS-free and anchor-free indoor localization for wireless sensor networks[J],International journal of advancements in computing technology,2022,4(16):64-73
[33]Weifeng Sun, zhangdong, zhangning, Zhang Q., Tie Qiu.Group participation game strategy for resource allocation in cloud computing[A],11th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2014,2022,8707 LNCS:294-305
[34]Chen, Yuanfang, Mike LI, Tang, Shaojie, Weifeng Sun.Impact of Duty Cycle and Radio Range Irregularity on Localization Algorithms for Wireless Senso...[J],Ad Hoc Sensor Wireless Networks,2022,21(3-4):219-235
[35]Mike LI, Jia, Wei, guocheng, Weifeng Sun, Tan, Xing.LPSSE: Lightweight Phrase Search with Symmetric Searchable Encryption in Cloud Storage[A],12th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations ITNG,2022,174-178
[36]zhaole, Mike LI, Weifeng Sun, Sakurai K., renyong.The optimal choice by resource consumers in Grid market[A],Symposia and Workshops on Ubiquitous, Autonomic and Trusted Computing in Conjunction with the UIC'09 and ATC'09 Conferences, UIC-ATC 2009,2022,580-585
[37]Zhou Jingjing, Weifeng Sun, Han Xiaomin, Lu Ruqiang, Zhang Yuanqi, Zhang Shenwei.The Research of One Novel Cost-Sensitive Classification Algorithm[J],Chinese Journal of Electronics,2022,27(5):1015-1024
[38]Weifeng Sun, Wei, Huangping, Ji, Zhenxing, Zhang, Qingqing, linchi.A Collaborated IPv6-Packets Matching Mechanism Base on Flow Label in OpenFlow[A],11th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing - Networking, Applications and Worksharing,2022,163:14-25
[39]Weifeng Sun, Zhang Dongyu, Jia Y., Chen Y., huyan, zhuxuan.A DAG-based scheduling algorithm for dependent tasks in grid[J],International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications,2022,6(15):347-356
[40]Qin, Weifeng Sun, hanyu.A Diversity-based Algorithm for Energy Detection[A],ICCNT,2022
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