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Main positions:Professor Dr. Hongbin Ding
Other Post:物理学院学术委员会主任,等离子体联合研究中心主任,中国光学工程学会LIBS专委会副主任, 中国核学会核聚变等离子体分会常务理事,辽宁省物理学会副理事长,国际ITER-ITPA 委员
Professor Dr. Hongbin Ding is working at School of Physics, Dalian University of Technology. He is an associated director of Material Modification Lab by Laser, Electron and Ion Beams, Chinese Ministry of Education, He is deputy director of LIBS Committee of China Society of Optical Engineering. He received his PhD in summa cum laude from University of Basel, Switzerland. He had visiting-research in Bristol University supported by The Royal Society-British Petroleum Research Fellowships in 1998. He was awarded JOSEF PLIVA Prize in 2002 in High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy. Professor Ding has published more than 150 peer review papers in leading scientific journals such like JACS, Nature Communication,Astrophysics Journal, Nuclear Fusion, Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Nuclear Material, J. Chem. Phys. JAAS, SAB et al, Professor Ding also holds more than 20 patents in the laser spectroscopic research and the plasma materials interaction research fields. Professor Ding’s recent research interests is: developing of laser spectroscopy (LIBS, LIF, CRDS, REMPI) and molecular beam mass spectrometry (MB-TOF MS) for characterizing matters; In particular, developing laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for study of fusion plasma-wall interaction (PWI) and for characterization of the active and transient species (such radicals, molecular ions and anions) in plasmas.
Educational Experience
Work Experience
Research Focus
- (1) 低温等离子体物理及应用研究; (2) 聚变边界等离子体与材料相互作用研究; (3) 激光烧蚀等离子体实验研究; (4) 激光汤姆孙/瑞利散射等离子体诊断研究; (5) 激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)技术在核能及新材料领域应用研究; (6) 激光光谱(PLIF,CRDS,REMPI)及分子束TOF质谱测量诊断研究; (7) 激光散斑干涉(SPEKLE)壁表面形貌原位测量技术研究; (8) 相干宽带太赫兹源及太赫兹时域光谱技术应用研究;
(1) Physics and application of low temperature plasma;
(2) Study on the interaction between fusion boundary plasma and materials;
(3) Experimental study on laser ablation of plasma;
(4) Plasma diagnostics using Laser Thomson Scattering(LTS);
(5) The application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in nuclear energy and new materials;
(6) Laser spectroscopy (PLIF, CRDs, REMPI) and molecular beam TOF mass spectrometry for Plasma diagnostics;
(7) In situ measurement of wall surface topography by laser speckle interferometry (spekle);
(8) Coherent broadband terahertz source and application of terahertz time domain spectroscopy technology;