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主要任职:Professor Dr. Hongbin Ding
其他任职:物理学院学术委员会主任,等离子体联合研究中心主任,中国光学工程学会LIBS专委会副主任, 中国核学会核聚变等离子体分会常务理事,辽宁省物理学会副理事长,国际ITER-ITPA 委员
学科:等离子体物理. 光学工程
Comparison of phase unwrapping algorithms for topography reconstruction based on digital speckle pattern interferometry
关键字:Digital speckle pattern interferometry; Phase-unwrapping; Flood-fill algorithm; Quality-map; Quality-guided flood-fill algorithm; Tokamak
摘要:Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) can diagnose the topography evolution in real-time, continuous and non-destructive, and has been considered as a most promising technique for Plasma-Facing Components (PFCs) topography diagnostic under the complicated environment of tokamak. It is important for the study of digital speckle pattern interferometry to enhance speckle patterns and obtain the real topography of the ablated crater. In this paper, two kinds of numerical model based on flood-fill algorithm has been developed to obtain the real profile by unwrapping from the wrapped phase in speckle interference pattern, which can be calculated through four intensity images by means of 4-step phase-shifting technique. During the process of phase unwrapping by means of flood-fill algorithm, since the existence of noise pollution, and other inevitable factors will lead to poor quality of the reconstruction results, this will have an impact on the authenticity of the restored topography. The calculation of the quality parameters was introduced to obtain the quality-map from the wrapped phase map, this work presents two different methods to calculate the quality parameters. Then quality parameters are used to guide the path of flood-fill algorithm, and the pixels with good quality parameters are given priority calculation, so that the quality of speckle interference pattern reconstruction results are improved. According to the comparison between the flood-fill algorithm which is suitable for speckle pattern interferometry and the quality-guided flood-fill algorithm (with two different calculation approaches), the errors which caused by noise pollution and the discontinuous of the strips were successfully reduced.