Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2010-03-14
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:1576-1582
Abstract:In this paper, acoustic emission technique is proposed to monitor the bridge cable damage. Experiments on acoustic emission characteristics of full-regime steel strands tensile failure are carried out. Acoustic emission characteristic parameters of steel strand damage are obtained. The testing results show that the acoustic emission characteristic parameter isn't apparent before fracture, the acoustic emission signal increases rapidly when approaching critical fracture point and appears a big burst signal nearby yield point1According to the correlation figure of acoustic emission accumulative energy, damage characteristic parameter of steel strand can be expressed through acoustic emission accumulative energy, the damage evolution process and law can be dynamically analyzed and broken strand numbers and time are very easily judged. Based on the monitoring data, the relationship between acoustic emission parameter and damage variables is derived. The steel strand tensile damage evolution equation is defined with acoustic emission accumulative energy relative change, the equation can be expressed using weibull cumulative distribution function, and its rightness and rationality are verified through experiments. ? 2010 ASCE.