Xuefeng Zhao

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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


赵雪峰教授,博导,从事工程结构全寿命安全监控、结构健康监测与安全评定领域研究工作。担任中国紫禁城学会理事,中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会委员,Building Information and Research 期刊编委。曾任大连理工大学研究生院培养处副处长。2007年获国家科技进步二等奖。2006年获教育部技术发明一等奖。2020-2024年连续五年入选斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单,2024年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家职业生涯影响力榜单。主持包括4项国家自然基金项目在内的十余项横纵向课题在国内外重要学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文200余篇,出版《结构智能手机云监测》学术专著1部,发表文章H因子41研究成果应用于多项大型工程结构,主要包括大跨桥梁、核电站、海洋平台、世界文化遗产、隧道、超高层等结构的健康监测与安全评定应用。典型工程应用如:中国北山高放射性核废料处置地下实验室、北京故宫、大亚湾核电站、西堠门跨海大桥等。



1、Shengyuan Li, Xuefeng Zhao*, Automatic Crack Detection and Measurement of Concrete Structure using Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network, Access, July, 2020 (SCI, IF:3.745)

2、Mingyuan Zhang*, Mi Zhu, Xuefeng Zhao, Recognition of High-Risk Scenarios in Building Construction Based on Image Semantics, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(4) July 2020,(SCI, IF: 2.979)

3、Botao Xie, Jinke Li, Xuefeng Zhao*, Strain Measurement Based on Speeded-up Robust Feature Algorithm Applied to Microimages from a Smartphone-Based Microscope, Sensors, May, 2020 (SCI, IF: 3.275)

4、Mingyuan Zhang*, Zhiyi Cao, Zhen Yang, Xuefeng Zhao, Utilizing Computer Vision and Fuzzy Inference to Evaluate Level of Collision Safety for Workers and Equipment in a Dynamic Environment, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(6), 2020 (SCI IF: 2.347)

5、Niannian Wang, Xuefeng Zhao*, Zheng Zou, Peng Zhao, Fei Qi, Autonomous damage segmentation and measurement of glazed tiles in historic buildings via deep learning, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, August 2019 (SCI, IF: 8.552)

6、Niannian Wang, Xuefeng Zhao, Peng Zhao, Yang Zhang, Zheng Zou, Jinping Ou, Automatic Damage Detection of Historic Masonry Buildings Based on Mobile Deep Learning, Automation in Construction, Accepted, 2019 (SCI, IF: 4.032)

7、Yang Zhang, Xiaowei Sun, Kenneth Loh, Wensheng Su, Zhigang Xue, Xuefeng Zhao, Autonomous Bolt Loosening Detection using Deep Learning, Structural Health Monitoring, Accepted, 2019 (SCI, IF:3.798)

8、Botao Xie, Jinke Li, Xuefeng Zhao*, Research on Damage Detection of a 3D Steel Frame Model using Smartphones, Sensors, Feb. 19(3), 2019(SCI, IF:2.475)

9、Zheng Zou, Xuefeng Zhao*, Peng Zhao, Fei Qi, CNN-Based Stastics and Location Estimation of Missing Components in Routine Inspection of Historic Buildings, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Accepted, 2019 (SCI, IF:1.706)

10、Niannian Wang,Xuefeng Zhao*,Linan Wang,Zheng Zou,A Novel System for Culture Heritage Rapid Investigation and Damage Detection Based on Deep Learning, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Accepted, 2019 (ASCE, SCI, IF: 1.356)

11、Heming Wei, Kaixing Liao, Xuefeng Zhao*, Xianglong Kong, Pinglei Zhang, Changsen Sun*, Low Coherent Fiber-Optic Interferometry for In Situ Monitoring the Corrosion Induced Expansion of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipes, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, Accepted, 2019 (SCI, IF: 3.798)

12、Shengyuan Li, Xuefeng Zhao, Guangyi Zhou, Automatic Pixel-level Multiple Damage Types Detection of Concrete Structure Using Fully Convolutional Networks, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Accepted, 2018 (SCI, IF:  8.552)

13、Peng Liu, Shulin Xie, Guangyi Zhou, Lixiao Zhang, Guoxian Zhang, Xuefeng Zhao*, Horizontal Displacement Monitoring Method of Deep Foundation Pit Based on Laser Image Recognition Technology, Review of Scientific Instruments, Accepted, 2018(SCI, IF:1.428)

14、Shengyuan Li, Haifeng Lv, Yachuan Kuang*, Nianchun Deng, Changsen Sun, Xuefeng Zhao*, Force-monitoring Ring Based on White Light Interferometry for Bridge Cable Force Monitoring and Its Temperature Compensation, Advances in Structural Engineering, Accepted, 2018 (SCI, IF:0.968)

15、Xuefeng Zhao*, Yang Zhang, Niannian Wang, Bolt Loosening Angle Detection Technology using Deep Learning, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, November, 2018(SCI, IF:3.622)

16、Niannian Wang, Qingan Zhao,  Peng Zhao, Shengyuan Li, and Xuefeng Zhao*Damage Classification for Masonry Historic Structures Using   Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Still ImagesComputer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Aug. 2018(SCI, IF: 8.552)

17、Yang Zhang, Xiaowei Sun,Xuefeng Zhao*,Wensheng Sun,Elevator ride comfort monitoring and evaluation using smartphones,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,May 2018(SCI, IF:4.370)

18、Niannian Wang,Kwang Ri,Hao Liu,Xuefeng Zhao*,Structural Displacement Monitoring Using Smartphone Camera and Digital Image Correlation,IEEE Sensors Journal PP(99):1-1,2018(SCI, IF:2.617)

19、Xuefeng Zhao*, Yanbing Ding,Yan Yu,Ruicong Han,Quanhua Guan,Weitong Hu,Mingchu Li,Public-participant quick cable force investigation method using smartphone for bridges in disaster area,December 2016, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 8(12):1-12(SCI, IF:0.848)

20、Xuefeng Zhao*,Ruicong Han,Yan Yu,Weitong Hu,Dong Jiao,Xingquan Mao,Mingchu Li,Jinping Ou,Smartphone-Based Mobile Testing Technique for Quick Bridge Cable–Force Measurement,November 2016,Journal of Bridge Engineering 22(4):06016012(ASCE, SCI, IF:1.454)

21、Xuefeng Zhao*,Kwang Ri,Ruicong Han,Yan Yu,Mingchu Li,Jinping Ou,Experimental Research on Quick Structural Health Monitoring Technique for Bridges Using Smartphone,October 2016,Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016(5):1-14(SCI, IF:1.372)

22、Ruicong Han,Xuefeng Zhao*,Yan Yu,Quanhua Guan,Deli Peng,Mingchu Li,Jinping Ou,Emergency Communication and Quick Seismic Damage Investigation Based on Smartphone,July 2016,Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016(2):1-15(SCI, IF:1.372)

23、Ruicong Han,Xuefeng Zhao*,Yan Yu,Quanhua Guan,Weitong Hu,Mingchu Li,A Cyber-Physical System for Girder Hoisting Monitoring Based on Smartphones,July 2016,Sensors 16(7):1048(SCI, IF:2.475)

24、Xuefeng Zhao*, Hao Liu,Yan Yu,Qinghua Zhu,Weitong Hu,Mingchu Li,Jinping Ou,Displacement Monitoring Technique using a Smartphone Based on the Laser Projection-Sensing Method,May 2016,Sensors and Actuators A Physical 246(SCI, IF:2.311)

25、Xuefeng Zhao,Jihua Gou,Gangbing Song,Jinping Ou,Strain monitoring in glass fiber reinforced composites embedded with carbon nanopaper sheet using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors,March 2009, Composites Part B Engineering 40(2):134-140(SCI, IF:4.920)

26、Hui Li*,Jinping Ou,Xuefeng Zhao,Wensong Zhou,Hongwei Li,Zhi Zhou,Yongshun Yang,Structural Health Monitoring System for the Shandong Binzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge,May 2006, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 21(4):306-317(SCI, IF: 8.552)

27、Mingyuan Zhang *, Shuo Chen, Xuefeng Zhao, Zhen YangResearch on construction workers’ activity recognition based on smartphonesensors201808(SCI, IF:2.475)

28、Mingyuan zhang*Tianzhuo CaoXuefeng ZhaoA study of smartphone use to detect and identify construction workers' near-miss falls based on ANNJournal of Construction Engr. & Management2018Accepted2018(SCI, IF:2.201)

29、Mingyuan ZhangTianzhuo Cao Xuefeng Zhao*Applying Sensor-Based Technology to Improve Construction Safety ManagementSensors2017178),1841(SCI, IF:2.475)

30、Xuefeng Zhao*,Niannian Wang,Ruicong Han,Botao Xie,Yan Yu,Mingchu Li,Jinping Ou,Urban Infrastructure Safety System Based on Mobile Crowdsensing, November 2017, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction(SCI, IF:1.968)

31、Xuefeng Zhao*,Kwang Ri,Niannian Wang,Experimental Verification for Cable Force Estimation Using Handheld Shooting of Smartphones,August 2017, Journal of Sensors 2017(6):1-13(SCI, IF:2.057)

32、Haifeng Lv,Kaixing Liao,Xianglong Kong,Xuefeng Zhao*, Changsen Sun,Monitoring the residual strain of concrete in a freezing-thawing environment using white light interferometer,August 2017, Cold Regions Science and Technology(SCI, IF:1.925)

33、Haifeng Lv,Xuefeng Zhao*,Yilin Zhan,Peng Gong,Damage evaluation of concrete based on Brillouin corrosion expansion sensor,July 2017, Construction and Building Materials 143:387-394(ASCE,SCI, IF:3.485)

34、Jinke Li,Kaixing Liao,Xianglong Kong,Shengyuan Li,Xinwang Zhang,Xuefeng Zhao*, Changsen Sun,Nuclear Power Plant Prestressed Concrete Containment Vessel Structure Monitoring during Integrated Leakage Rate Testing Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors,April 2017, Applied Sciences 7(4):419(ASCE,SCI, IF:1.689)

35、Xuefeng Zhao*, Qingan Zhao,Yan Yu,Yuting Chen,Hao Liu,Mingchu Li,Jinping Ou,Distributed Displacement Response Investigation Technique for Bridge Structures Using Smartphones,February 2017,Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31(4):04017029(ASCE,SCI, IF:1.197)

36、Xuefeng Zhao* , Hao Liu , Yan Yu , Xiaodong Xu , Weitong Hu ,Mingchu Li , Jingping Ou, Bridge Displacement Monitoring Method Based on Laser Projection-Sensing Technology, Sensors, 2015, 15(4), 8444-8463. (SCI, IF:2.475)

37、Xuefeng Zhao*, Ruicong Han, Yanbing Ding, Yan Yu, Quanhua Guan, Weitong Hu , Mingchu Li , Jinping Ou, Portable and convenient cable force measurement using smartphone, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2015, 5(4):481-491.(EI)

38、Yan Yu, Xuefeng Zhao, Yan Shi, Jinping Ou, Design of a real-time overload monitoring system for bridges and roads based on structural response, Measurement, 2013, 46(1), 345-352. (SCI, IF:2.218)

39、Yan Yu, Xuefeng Zhao*, Yang Wang, Jinping Ou, A study on PVDF sensor using wireless experimental system for bridge structural local monitoring, Telecommunication Systems, 2013, 52(4), 2357-2366. (SCI, IF:1.527)

40、Heming Wei , Xuefeng Zhao* , Dongsheng Li , Pinglei Zhang ,Changsen Sun*, Corrosion monitoring of rock bolt by using a low coherent fiber-optic interferometry. Optics & Laser Technology, 2015, Vol.67, 137-142. (SCI, IF:2.503)

41、Heming Wei , Xuefeng Zhao*, Xianglong Kong , Pinglei Zhang, Yanjun Cui, Changsen Sun*,The Performance Analysis of Distributed Brillouin Corrosion Sensors for Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures. Sensors, 2014, 14(1), 431-442(SCI, IF:2.475)

42、Liqun Hou*Xuefeng Zhao, Ruicong Han, Chuncheng Liu, Optimal Sensor Placement for Stay Cable Damage Identification of Cable-Stayed Bridge under Uncertainty, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013, Article ID: 361594. (SCI, IF:1.787)

43、Yan Yu , Ruicong Han , Xuefeng Zhao* , Xingquan Mao , Weitong Hu , Dong Jiao , Mingchu Li and Jinping Ou, Initial Validation of Mobile-Structural Health Monitoring Method Using Smartphones. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, Article ID:274391, 14 pages. (SCI, IF:1.787)

44、Pinglei Zhang, Heming Wei, Xuefeng Zhao, Changsen Sun*, Fiber-optic ground settlement sensor based on low-coherent interferometry. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(15), 3278-3282. (SCI, IF:1.791)

45、Hui Li*, Shujin Laima, Jinping Ou, Xuefeng Zhao, Wensong Zhou, Yan Yu, Na Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Investigation of vortex-induced vibration of a suspension bridge with two separated steel box girders based on field measurements, Engineering Structures, 2011, 33(7), 1894-1907. (SCI, IF:2.755)

46、Xuefeng Zhao*, Yanjun Cui, Heming Wei, Xianglong Kong, Pinglei Zhang, Changsen Sun, Research on corrosion detection for steel reinforced concrete structures using fiber optical white light interferometer sensing technique, Smart Materials and Structures, 22(6), 2013(SCI, IF:2.963)

47、Xuefeng Zhao*, Weijie Li, Lei Zhou , Gangbing Song , Qin Ba , Siu Chun Michael Ho and Jinping Ou, Application of support vector machine for pattern classification of active thermometry-based pipeline scour monitoring. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2014, 22(6), 903-908. (SCI, IF:3.622)

48、Xuefeng Zhao*, Peng Gong, Guofu Qiao, Jie Lu, Xingjun Lv, Jinping Ou, Brillouin Corrosion Expansion Sensors for Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures Using a Fiber Optic Coil Winding Method, Sensors, 2011, 11(11), 10798-10819(SCI, IF:2.475)

49、Xuefeng Zhao*, Le Li, Qin Ba, Jinping Ou,Scour monitoring system of subsea pipeline using distributed Brillouin optical sensors based on active thermometry, Optics and laser technology, 2012, 44(7), 125-129(SCI, IF:2.503)

50、Xuefeng Zhao*, Qin Ba, Le Li, Peng Gong, Jinping Ou, A three-index estimator based on active thermometry and a novel monitoring system of scour under submarine pipelines, Sensors and actuators A: Physical, 2012, 183(8), 115-122 (SCI, IF:2.311)

51、Xuefeng Zhao*, Jie Lu, Ruicong Han, Xianglong Kong, Yanhong Wang, Le Li, Application of multi-scale fiber optical sensing network based on Brillouin and fiber Bragg grating sensing techniques on concrete structures, Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2012, Article ID: 310797. (SCI, IF:1.787)

52、Xuefeng Zhao*, Weijie Li, Gangbing Song, Zuo Zhu, Jun Du, Scour monitoring system for subsea pipeline based on active thermometry: numerical and experimental study, Sensors, 13(2), 1490-1509. (SCI, IF:2.475)

53、Xuefeng Zhao*, Weijie Li, Lei Zhou, Gangbing Song, Qin Ba, Jinping Ou, Active Thermometry Based DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Network for Offshore Pipeline Scour Monitoring Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013, Article ID:852090. (SCI, IF:1.787)

54、Xuefeng Zhao*, Qin Ba , Lei Zhou , Weijie Li , Jinping Ou, BP neural network recognition algorithm for scour monitoring of subsea pipelines based on active thermometry. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 125(18):5426-5431. (SCI, IF:1.191)

55、Xuefeng Zhao* , Xingjun Lv , Long Wang , Yanfeng Zhu , Hao Dong, Wei Chen , Jinke Li , Bin Ji , Yanbing Ding, Research of concrete residual strains monitoring based on WLI and FBG following exposure to freeze–thaw tests, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2015, Vol.116,  40-48.(SCI, IF:1.925)












11、赵雪峰、宫鹏、吕兴军、欧进萍,Brillouin Corrosion Expansion Sensors for Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures Using a Fiber Optic Coil Winding Method,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖学术论文类一等奖,2012.6



14、Senior Author Best Paper Nomination, "Research on Cloud-SHM and its application" , SHMII-7, Torino, Italy, 2015.7

15、“Best Poster Paper Award”, "Experimental verification of vision-based cable force evaluation using a smartphone", 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, US, 2017.9

16、”2019 Matthew G. Karlaftis Best Paper Award", Journal of Infrastructure Systems (ASCE), 2020

Educational Experience

2002.3 2007.4

  • 哈尔滨工业大学
  • 工程力学
  • Doctoral Degree

1999.9 2002.3

  • 哈尔滨工业大学
  • 工程力学
  • Master's Degree

1995.9 1999.9

  • 大庆石油学院
  • 建筑工程
  • Bachelor's Degree

Work ExperienceMore>>

2015.12 Now
  • 土木学院
  • 教授
2014.10 2016.10
  • 建工学部
  • 部长助理
2010.12 2015.12
  • 土木学院
  • 副教授

Social Affiliations

Research FocusMore>>

  • 建筑结构公共安全人工智能技术
  • 混凝土结构耐久性监测与评定
  • 光纤传感技术及其应用