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Multi-scale study of particle flow in silos


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2009-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:62-73

ISSN No.:0921-8831

Key Words:Silo; Particles flow; DEM; Multi-scale analysis; Simulation; Granule

Abstract:The flow characteristics of solid particles in a silo were studied experimentally and theoretically. A multiscale study of the particles flow was performed by means of discrete element method (DEM). The dependence of flow behaviors on the particles diameter distribution and silo geometry was analyzed to establish the spatial and statistical distributions of microdynamic variables related to flow and silo structures such as velocity, porosity, coordination number, and interaction forces between particles. The results show that the distribution of particle diameter has great effects on particles flow, and the mixing of multi-sized particles is propitious to granular flow. The geometry of silos has greater effects on granular flow than particle size distribution, and inserts can improve the flow behaviors of "funnel flow" type to "mass flow". Linear equations can be used to describe the relationship between discharge rate and orifice size by G(2/5) vs. Do for the same distribution of particles diameter. The flow structure of particles in the silos is spatially non-uniform, which is illustrated by spatial and statistical distributions of porosity and coordination number. Both porosity and coordination number are affected by the mode of particles packed, which is affected by the geometry of silos and particle size distribution. The distribution of contact forces between particles is spatially non-uniform too. In. at-bottomed silo, there are arched stress chains in the vicinity of the orifice under the "bridging action", which disappeared in wedge-shaped hopper silo. (c) 2008, The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier BV and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.

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