Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2017-05-21
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus
Page Number:233-248
Abstract:In the last few decades, the wetland area of Sanjiang plain in Northeast China has shrunk severely. To provide a scientific basis for the protection and restoration of wetlands in Sanjiang plain, author used the remote sensing technology to interpret Landsat TM image of 13 typical years of 4 well preserved and contiguous wetlands (total area: 2275.26km(2)) in the hinterland of the Sanjiang plain, Naoli river Drainage Basin. According to the results of interpretation, calculation of the ecological water requirement of the 4 wetlands was carried out, using the method of combining ecology with remote sensing technology. According to the structure and actual demand of wetland ecosystem, ecological water requirement of wetlands were divided into two levels, the minimum and optimal. The minimum ecological water requirement was to restore the wetland area in the core area to near natural state in 1984; the optimal one was to restore the core area and buffer area of wetlands. At the same time, considering the rainfall and overland runoff of the different guarantee rate, the artificial recharge of 4 wetlands was calculated according to principle of water balance. The results indicate that wetland area has severely degraded, and decreased by 56.99% from 1963.82km(2) in 1984 to 846.71km(2) in 2013. In addition, natural inflow of water can't meet the actual water requirements of wetlands. Under the 75% and 95% guarantee rate, the minimum artificial recharge is 1.66x10(8)m(3) and 2.54x10(8)m(3) respectively, and under the 50% guarantee rate, the optimal artificial recharge of the wetland is 3.86x10(8)m(3).