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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 工程抗震研究所副所长
学科:水工结构工程. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程. 岩土工程
- [61]邹德高, 由宏新, 孔宪京, 徐斌.Research on joint simplified model and effects of joint parameters on panel stress and joint disp...[J],岩石力学与工程学报,2022,28(SUPPL. 1):3257-3263
- [62]贾宇峰, 徐斌, 迟世春, Xiang, Biao, 周扬.Research on the Particle Breakage of Rockfill Materials during Triaxial Tests[J],International Journal of Geomechanics,2022,17(10)
- [63]徐斌, 庞锐, 孔宪京.Response to the discussion on "Seismic reliability assessment of earth-rockfill dam slopes cons...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,115:947-948
- [64]贾宇峰, 徐斌, Desai, Chandrakant S., 迟世春, Xiang, Biao.Rockfill Particle Breakage Generated by Wetting Deformation under the Complex Stress Path[J],International Journal of Geomechanics,2022,20(10)
- [65]庞锐, 徐斌, 孔宪京, 邹德高.Seismic fragility for high CFRDs based on deformation and damage index through incremental dyna...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,104:432-436
- [66]庞锐, 徐斌, 孔宪京, 周扬, 邹德高.Seismic performance evaluation of high CFRD slopes subjected to near-fault ground motions based...[J],ENGINEERING GEOLOGY,2022,246:391-401
- [67]庞锐, 徐斌, Zhang, Xu, 周扬, 孔宪京.Seismic performance investigation of high CFRDs subjected to mainshock-aftershock sequences[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,116:82-85
- [68]庞锐, 徐斌, 孔宪京, 邹德高, 周扬.Seismic reliability assessment of earth-rockfill dam slopes considering strain-softening of roc...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,107:96-107
- [69]于龙, 孔宪京, 徐斌.Seismic Response Characteristics of Earth and Rockfill Dams[A],15 World Conference of Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE),2022
- [70]徐斌, 周扬, 庞锐.Seismic stability reliability assessment of nuclear power plant's bank revetment considering un...[J],ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY,2022,136
- [71]Li, Peng, 林皋, 刘君, 周扬, 徐斌.Solution of steady-state thermoelastic problems using a scaled boundary representation based on...[J],JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES,2022,41(2):222-246
- [72]康飞, 徐斌, 李俊杰, Zhao, Sizeng.Slope stability evaluation using Gaussian processes with various covariance functions[J],APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING,2022,60:387-396
- [73]庞锐, 徐斌, 邹德高, 孔宪京.Stochastic seismic performance assessment of high CFRDs based on generalized probability densit...[J],COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS,2022,97:233-245
- [74]周扬, 徐斌, 庞锐, 邹德高, 孔宪京.Stochastic seismic response and stability reliability analysis of a vertical retaining wall in ...[J],NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2022,334:110-120
- [75]徐斌, 邹德高, 孔宪京.Static and Dynamic Analysis of a 200 m High Concrete Faced Dam Based on a Generalized plasticity ...[A],The 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,2022
- [76]徐斌, 邹德高, Bi Jing, 孔宪京, Gong Tao.Study on the Deformation and Strength Characteristics of Geotechnical Grille Reinforced Sand-Gr...[A],1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2011),2022,250-253(1-4):2632-+
- [77]徐斌, 邹德高.Study on the deformation and strength characteristics of geotechnical grille reinforced sand-grav...[J],Advanced materials research,2022,6:2632-2639
- [78]徐斌, 邹德高, Gong T., 孔宪京, Bi J..Study on influence of geotechnical grille characteristic on mechanics properties of reinforced sa...[A],1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2011,2022,243-249:2176-2182
- [79]徐斌, 邹德高.Study on influence of geotechnical grille characteristic on mechanics properties of reinforced sa...[J],Advanced materials research,2022,6:2176-2182
- [80]邹德高, 徐斌, 孔宪京.边界条件对土石坝地震反应的影响研究[A],第二届中国水利水电岩土力学与工程学术讨论会,2008,Vol.29:101-106