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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 工程抗震研究所副所长
学科:水工结构工程. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程. 岩土工程
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- [125]周扬, 张艺, 庞锐, 徐斌.Seismic fragility analysis of high concrete faced rockfill dams based on plastic failure with sup...[J],Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2021,144(106587):1-10
- [126]Song, LaiFu, Yu, Xiang, 徐斌, Pang, Rui, Zhang, ZeYu.3D slope reliability analysis based on the intelligent response surface methodology[J],BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT,2021,80(2):735-749
- [127]Jia, Yufeng, 徐斌, Desai, Chandrakant S., 迟世春, Xiang, Biao.Rockfill Particle Breakage Generated by Wetting Deformation under the Complex Stress Path[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS,2020,20(10)
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- [130]孔宪京, 宋来福, 徐斌, 邹德高.基于Copula函数的堆石料非线性强度参数相关性及分布模型研究[J],岩土工程学报,2020,42(5):797-807
- [131]Pang, Rui, Xu, Bin, Zhou, Yang, Zhang, Xu, Wang, Xingliang, Y (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Zhou, Sch Civil Engn.Fragility analysis of high CFRDs subjected to mainshock-aftershock sequences based on plastic f...[J],ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,2020,206
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- [134]孔宪京, 庞锐, 邹德高, 徐斌, 周扬, Pang, Rui(pangruipangpan@163.com).基于IDA的高面板堆石坝抗震性能评价[J],岩土工程学报,2017,40(6):978-984
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- [139]孔宪京, 庞锐, 徐斌, 周扬, 邹德高.考虑堆石料软化的坝坡随机地震动力稳定分析[J],岩土工程学报,2018,41(3):414-421
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