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房克照,大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室教授,博士/硕士生导师,主要从事海岸水动力学和海岸动力地貌的教学科研工作。在海洋和海岸工程领域有影响力的国际期刊和国内期刊上发表论文100余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项(其中合作主持2项)、主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,主持国家重点研发计划子课题 1 项;2项国家重点研发计划、1项工信部公益性行业科研专项项目骨干;主持完成企事业单位工程咨询项目 20余项。国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Coastal Engineering, Ocean Engineering, China Ocean Engineering 等国内外期刊审稿人。
[2]营口市海岸带保护修复工程浮渡河口-白沙湾区域项目动床物理模型实验研究, 2021/09/01-2023/09/01, 主持
[3]渤海综合治理生态修复项目设计、前期调查及研究试验二标段, 2019/11/08-2020/12/01, 主持
[4]渤海综合治理生态修复项目设计、前期调查及研究试验三标段, 2019/11/08-2020/12/01, 主持
[5]渤海综合治理生态修复项目设计、前期调查及研究试验一标段, 2019/11/08-2020/12/01, 主持
[6]秦皇岛自然资源领域渤海综合治理行动计划项目物理模型试验, 2020/06/15-2021/12/31, 主持
[7]基于大数据海洋环境观测监测技术公共服务平台, 2019/06/20-2020/05/30, 主持
[8]大连市长海县广鹿岛生态岛礁建设项目调整方案物模模型试验, 2018/05/10-2019/05/09, 主持
[9]大连市长海县广鹿岛生态岛礁建设项目调整方案 潮流、泥沙及岸滩稳定性数模分析, 2018/05/10-2019/05/09, 主持
[10]大连市凌水湾综合整治修复项目断面物理模型试验, 2017/06/02-2018/06/02, 主持
[11]鲅鱼圈山海广场栈桥改造项目水动力影响及沙滩稳定性分析, 2020/12/10-2023/10/01, 主持
1. Fang Kezhao, Xiao Li, Liu Zhongbo, Sun Jiawen, Dong Ping, Hao Wu, Experiment and RANS modeling of solitary wave impact on a vertical wall mounted on a reef flat, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 244, 12:110384.
2. Fang Kezhao, Huang Minghan*, Chen Guanglin, Wu Jinkong, Wu Hao, Jiang Tiantian, Boussinesq Simulation of Coastal Wave Interaction with Bottom-Mounted Porous Structures, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10, 10:1367.
3. Fang Kezhao, Sun Jiawen*, Song Guangchun, Wang Gang, Wu Hao, Liu Zhongbo, A GPU accelerated Boussinesq-type model for coastal waves, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41, 9: 158-168.
4. Fang Kezhao, Liu Zhongbo, Wang Ping*, Wu Hao, Sun Jiawen, Yin Jing, Modeling solitary wave propagation and transformation over complex bathymetries using a two-layer Boussinesq model, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 265, 1: 112549.
5. Fang Kezhao, Yi Feng, Liu Jiantao, Sun Jiawen. Laboratory Study on the Effect of Artificial Sandbar on Nourished Beach Profile Evolution. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2022, 32(2):-218-226.
6. Wang Dongxu, Dong Sheng, Fang Kezhao, Breaking wave impact on perforated caisson breakwaters: A numerical investigation, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 249, 4:110919.
7. Liu Ye, Liao Zhiling, Fang Kezhao, Li Shaowu, Uncertainty of wave runup prediction on coral reef-fringed coasts using SWASH model, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 242, 15:110094.
8. Fang K.Z., Wang H., Sun J.W.*, Zhang J.B., Liu Z.B. Including diffraction effect in Xbeach: model extension and validation. Journal of Coastal Research, 2020, 36(1): 116-127.
9. Fang K.Z*., Liu Z.B., Sun J.W*, Xie ZH, Zheng ZY. Development and validation of a two-layer Boussinesq model for simulating free surface waves generated by bottom motion. Applied Ocean Research, 2020, 94:101977.
10. Zou Z.L., Fang K.Z., Liu Z.B. Inter-comparisons of different forms of higher-order Boussinesq equations. In advances in numerical simulation of nonlinear water waves. (The series of advances in coastal and ocean engineering). World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2010.
11. Liu Z.B*., Fang K.Z*. Numerical verification of a two-layer Boussinesq-type model for surface gravity wave evolution. Wave Motion, 2019, 85:98-113.
12. Liu Z.B., Fang K.Z. Discussion of “A 2DH nonlinear Boussinesq-type wave model of improved dispersion, shoaling, and wave generation characteristics" by Chondros and Memos. Coastal Engineering, 2015,95:1-3.
13. Liu Z.B., Fang K.Z. Two-layer Boussinesq models for coastal water waves. Wave Motion, 2015, 57:88-111.
14. Fang K.Z., ZB Liu, ZL Zou. Fully Nonlinear Modeling Wave Transformation over Fringing Reefs Using Shock-capturing Boussinesq Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(1):164-171, 2016.
15. Liu Z.B.*, Fang K.Z*. A new two-layer Boussinesq model for coastal waves from deep to shallow water: Derivation and Analysis. Wave Motion, 2016, 67:1-14.
16. Fang K.Z., Yin J.W., Zou Z.L., Liu Z.B., Dong P. Reproducing laboratory-scale rip currents on a barred beach by a Boussinesq wave model. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2014, 22(2):231-239.
17. Fang K.Z., Liu Z.B. Modeling Breaking Waves and Wave-induced Currents with Fully Nonlinear Boussinesq Equations. Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 9:131-143.
18. Fang K.Z., Yin JW, Zou ZL, Sun JW. Revisiting study on Boussinesq modeling of wave transformation over various reef profiles. Water Science and Engineering, 2014, 7(3):306-318.
19. Fang K.Z., Z Zhang, ZL Zou, ZB Liu, JW Sun. Modeling 2D extended Boussinesq equations using a hybrid numerical scheme. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014,26(2):187-198.
20. Fang K.Z., ZL Zou, ZB Liu. Boussinesq modeling of nearshore waves under body fitted coordinate. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012,24(2):235-243.
21. Fang K.Z., Zou Z.L., Wang Y. An explicit high resolution scheme for nonlinear shallow water equations. China Ocean Engineering, 19(3), 349-364, 2005.
22. Zou Z.L., Fang K.Z. Alternative forms of higher order Boussinesq equations: Derivations and Validations. Coastal Engineering, 55(6), 506-521, 2008.
23. Fang K.Z., Zou Z.L. Boussinesq-type equations for nonlinear evolution of wave trains. Wave Motion, 47:12-32, 2010.
24. Kezhao Fang, Zhili Zou, Ping Dong, Zhongbo Liu, Qinqin Gui, Jiwei Yin. An efficient shock capturing algorithm to the extended Boussinesq wave Equations. Applied Ocean Research, 2013, 43:11-20.
25. Fang K.Z., Liu Z.B., Gui Q.Q., Zou Z.L., Yin J.W. Alternative forms of enhanced Boussinesq equations with improved nonlinearity. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.
26. Zou Z.L., Liu Z.B., Fang K.Z. Further improvements to higher-order Boussinesq Equations: Bragg Reflection. Coastal Engineering,56, 672-687,2009.
27. Zou Z.L, Hu P.C, Fang K.Z., Liu Z.B. Boussinesq-type equations for wave current interaction. Wave motion, 2013, 50(4):655-675.
28. Fang K.Z., ZB Liu, ZL Zou. Efficient computation of coastal waves using a depth-integrated, non-hydrostatic model. Coastal Engineering, 2015, 97:21-36.
29. Fang K.Z., ZB Liu, ZL Zou. Modelling coastal water wave using a depth-integrated, non-hydrostatic model with shock-capturing ability. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 53(1):119-133, 2015.
30. Liu Z.B.*, Fang K.Z.*, Cheng Y.Z. A new multi-layer irrotational Boussinesq-type model for highly nonlinear and dispersive surface waves over a mild slope seabed. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 842:323-353.
31. Liu Z.B*, Fang K.Z*., Sun J.W. A multi-layer Boussinesq-type model with second spatial derivatives: Theoretical analysis and numerical implementation. Ocean Engineering, 2019.
32. Xiao Li, Fang K.Z*, Huang M.H.*, Wang D.X., Liu Z.B. Focused wave group propagation over fringing reef and its impact on the vertical wall mounted on a reef flat Experiment and RANS modeling.Ocean Engineering, 2023, 289.
33. Liu ZB, Han PX, Fang KZ, Liu Y. A High-Order Nonlinear Boussinesq-Type Model for Internal Waves Over a Mildly-Sloping Topography in a Two-Fluid System. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285.
34. Wang P., Fang K.Z*, Wang G., Liu ZB, Sun JW. Experimental and numerical study of the nonlinear evolution of regular waves over a permeable submerged breakwater. JMSE, 2023, 11(8), 1610.
35. Ping Wang, Fang K.Z*, Zhongbo Liu, Jiawen Sun, Long Zhou. A beach profile evolution model driven by the hybrid shock-capturing Boussinesq wave solver, Water, 2023, 15(21), 3799.