Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2013-08-01
Included Journals:SCIE、SSCI
Page Number:605-615
ISSN No.:0138-9130
Key Words:Geometrical interpretation; H-type indicators
Abstract:Quantitative evaluation of scientists now has become very important at many aspects in the range of nation, even all over the world. Among the indices used for quantitative evaluation, h-type indicators are the most popular right now. However, because of the problem that mastering more than 40 variants is difficult and time-consuming, we need an intuitional and quick method by which we can present these indicators for evaluators and those even with little knowledge regarding to h-type indicators. In this paper, we introduce the paper-citation histogram in which most h-type indicators could be illustrated with their geometrical interpretation. With the help of these plots, evaluators can better understand the indices in a relatively short time. Meanwhile the geometrical interpretation can provide an insight into the research achievements of scientists.