Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2011-01-01
Included Journals:CPCI-S
Page Number:423-426
Key Words:Flight simulator; Data collection; Binarization; Image processing
Abstract:In the field of professional pilot training, flight simulator is becoming increasingly important, which draws more and more attention from people nowadays. For effectively guiding and assessing the training quality of pilots while being trained, the system needed to record the video of the flight data from monitors without bringing any changes to the flight simulator. After that the system extracted the frames from the video and the images would be processed through binarization. So we could easily recognize the flight data from the binarization images by using the pattern recognition technology. Thus the flight track could be reconstructed in three dimension based on the OpenGL API, which will be very beneficial to the training. Altogether, the system can take advantage of the resources to guide and assess the training process of pilots more efficiently as well as developing the pilot training industry.