Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2012-01-01
Journal:Advanced Science Letters
Included Journals:Scopus
Page Number:503-506
ISSN No.:19366612
Abstract:Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm as an optimization algorithm based on swarm intelligence has been applied to solve many kinds of numerical function optimization problems and performs well in most cases. Unfortunately, the original and most existing forms of ABCs cannot solve multimodal optimization problems because of the global selection mechanism used in ABC algorithm, which can locate only one global optimum. This paper adjusts ABC algorithm capturing both global and local optima and applies it for multimodal optimization. We test ABC algorithm on a set of standard functions and compare the performance with that of classic lbest Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms r2pso, r3pso using a ring topology as well as their variants r2pso-lhc and r3psolhc. Experiments show that ABC algorithm outperforms PSOs in almost all of the experiments and can solve multimodal function optimization problems very well. ? 2012 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.