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学科:生物与纳米力学. 工程力学. 计算力学
- [61]李守巨, 李德, 于申.压头作用下岩石破碎过程的细观模拟[J],西安科技大学学报,2016,36(6):769-774
- [62]于申, 李生, 刘迎曦, 孙秀珍, 王吉喆.耳道结构性病变对传声影响的数值研究及其临床意义[J],中华耳科学杂志,2016,14(3):349-352
- [63]于申, 王吉喆, 孙秀珍, 刘迎曦, Wang, J.-Z., Otorhinalaryngology Department, The Second Hospital of Dalian Medical UniversityChina, email: wangjizhe1968@aliyun.com.呼吸道内颗粒物沉积的数值模拟[J],医用生物力学,2016,31(3):193-198
- [64]邱培, 李守巨, 于申.地层损失率对盾构隧道管片内力特性影响分析[J],工程建设,2016,48(3):1-5,12
- [65]Shen, Shuang, Sun, Xiuzhen, Yu, Shen, Liu, Yingxi, Su, Yingfeng, Zhao, Wei, Wenlong, S (reprint author), Binzhou Med Univ, Transformat Otol & Neurosci Ctr, Yantai 264003, Peoples R China., S, Yu, Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024.Numerical simulation of the role of the utriculo-endolymphatic valve. in the rotation-sensing c...[J],JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS,2016,49(9):1532-1539
- [66]于申, 王志云.建构式教学方法在有限单元法教学中的应用[J],实验室科学,2016,19(2):116-118
- [67]Li, Shouju, Yu, Shen, Shangguan, Zichang, Wang, Zhiyun, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Estimating model parameters of rockfill materials based on genetic algorithm and strain measure...[J],GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2016,10(1):37-48
- [68]于申, 王吉喆, 刘迎曦, 孙秀珍.呼吸道内颗粒沉降的数值研究[J],中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,2015,22(11):554-557
- [69]于申, 刘文龙, 刘迎曦, 孙秀珍.内耳前庭半规管平衡功能及眼动关系的生物力学研究[A],2015,30-30
- [70]唐媛媛, 于申, 刘迎曦, 孙秀珍.椭圆囊内淋巴阀对人内耳前庭平衡功能影响的数值研究[J],中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,2015,22(6):275-279
- [71]臧洪瑞, 武骏, 胡长龙, 李立锋, 刘迎曦, 于申, 周兵, 韩德民.上颌窦窦口改变与气流场特征关系的研究[J],中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2015,50(10):805-809
- [72]Li S., Shangguan Z., Yu S..Meso-simulation for fracture process of inhomogeneous rock specimen[J],Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2015,20(15):6713-6720
- [73]李守巨, 于申.基于宏观实验数据堆石料细观本构模型参数反演[J],山东科技大学学报,2015,34(5):20-26
- [74]于申, 刘迎曦.呼吸道内颗粒物沉积的数值模拟[A],2015
- [75]田泽润, 李守巨, 于申.白山抽水蓄能泵站地下厂房的岩体力学参数反演[J],岩土力学,2014,35(z2):508-513
- [76]Yu, Shen, Sun, Xiu-zhen, Liu, Ying-xi, YX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Numerical Analysis of the Relationship between Nasal Structure and Its Function[J],SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL,2014,2014:581975
- [77]李守巨, 曹丽娟, 孙振祥, 于申.基于神经网络的堆石料本构模型参数反演[J],计算机工程,2014,40(6):267-271
- [78]Yu, Shen, Sun, Xiu-Zhen, Su, Ying-Feng, Wang, Ying, Gai, Yin-Zhe, Liu, Ying-Xi, YX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Numerical analysis for the efficacy of nasal surgery in obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndro...[J],ACTA MECHANICA SINICA,2014,30(2):250-258
- [79]Li Shou-ju, Yu Shen, Qu Fu-zheng, Yu, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Modeling approaches to pressure balance dynamic system in shield tunneling[J],JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,2014,21(3):1206-1216
- [80]臧洪瑞, 刘迎曦, 王彤, 胡斌, 李立锋, 胡长龙, 韩德民, 张罗, 于申.鼻腔扩容术对上气道流场改变的数值模拟[J],中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,2014,21(2):85-88