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Paper Publications
Cooperative Hierarchical PSO With Two Stage Variable Interaction Reconstruction for Large Scale Optimization

Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-09-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:2809-2823

ISSN No.:2168-2267

Key Words:Contingency leadership; cooperative optimization; marginalized denoising; variable interaction reconstruction

Abstract:Large scale optimization problems arise in diverse fields. Decomposing the large scale problem into small scale subproblems regarding the variable interactions and optimizing them cooperatively are critical steps in an optimization algorithm. To explore the variable interactions and perform the problem decomposition tasks, we develop a two stage variable interaction reconstruction algorithm. A learning model is proposed to explore part of the variable interactions as prior knowledge. A marginalized denoising model is proposed to construct the overall variable interactions using the prior knowledge, with which the problem is decomposed into small scale modules. To optimize the subproblems and relieve premature convergence, we propose a cooperative hierarchical particle swarm optimization framework, where the operators of contingency leadership, interactional cognition, and self-directed exploitation are designed. Finally, we conduct theoretical analysis for further understanding of the proposed algorithm. The analysis shows that the proposed algorithm can guarantee converging to the global optimal solutions if the problems are correctly decomposed. Experiments are conducted on the CEC2008 and CEC2010 benchmarks. The results demonstrate the effectiveness, convergence, and usefulness of the proposed algorithm.

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:计算机科学与技术学院党委书记


Alma Mater:吉林大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Computer Applied Technology

Business Address:海山楼A1022

Contact Information:hwge@dlut.edu.cn


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