Bo Jin
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Paper Publications
A global path planning approach based on the main directions

Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-01-01

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Issue:PART 1

Page Number:106-109

Abstract:The grid method of global path planning is widely used on mobile robots. We introduce a new algorithm of the grid method based on main directions of the gird map to improve the performance of this approach. Specifically, we conduct experiments to demonstrate its positive effect through reducing the number of nodes for test in global path planning. The results obtained from such experiments prove this algorithm is efficient. ? 2010 IEEE.

Personal information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:Dalian University of Technology

Discipline:Computer Applied Technology

Business Address:816 Yanjiao Building, Dalian University of Technology


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