Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2021-01-13
Page Number:1068-1089
ISSN No.:1006-9321
Key Words:ultrahigh toughness cementitious composites (UHTCC); RUHTCC beam; flexural capacity; crack width; ductility index; reinforcement ratio
Abstract:UHTCC (ultrahigh toughness cementitious composite), which is a kind of ultrahigh toughness cementitious composites material, exhibits pseudo strain hardening feature when subjected to tension load, and has enormous ductility and prominent crack dispersal ability. Accordingly, UHTCC can improve mechanical behavior of ordinary concrete structure especially its durability, and has been regarded as historical breakthrough to traditional cementitious materials. In this paper, the study focuses on flexure behavior of steel reinforced beam made of UHTCC. Based on the plane section assumption, along with two equilibrium equations of force and moment, the formulae to calculate the flexural load capability for the reinforced ultrahigh toughness cementitious composite (RUHTCC) beam were developed under the assumption that the compression stress-strain relationship in the UHTCC material is a bilinear model. Following this, the simplified formulae were further evolved by effective rectangle stress distribution approach in order to facilitate design of practical engineering. Two effective parameters introduced in effective rectangle approach were determined. The mathematical expressions to evaluate limited reinforcement ratio, flexural stiffness as well as ductility index were proposed, too. Last, two series of different reinforcement ratios of the RUHTCC beams were tested in four-point flexure loading. For comparison purposes, ordinary RC (reinforced concrete) beams also were prepared. Both moment curvature curves and load mid-span displacement curves were recorded and compared with the theoretical calculations. A good agreement between them was found, which validates the proposed theoretical formulae. For ductility index, a slightly big difference between the experimental values and the calculated ones exists. The experimental results show that, compared to control RC beams, the RUHTCC beam can improve both flexural capacity and ductility index, and the degree of improvement will decrease with the increase in the reinforcement ratio. Particularly, the results also reveal that lager crack width in control beams can be greatly reduced by formation of tightly-spaced fine cracks in UHTCC, which offers more durable structures.