Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-29
Page Number:3666-3677
ISSN No.:1000-6893
Abstract:The goal of this study is to propose a system reliability centered predictive maintenance strategy for complex structure systems with multiple redundant components and multiple states. GO methodology is applied to building the system reliability analysis model, Markov process method is used to obtain the state transition equation of components' reliability parameters changing over time, and subsequently the computing processes for dynamic reliability of components and system are presented and detailed. In order to quantify the maintenance important degree of components, a concept of maintenance priority number (MPN) is introduced here, which may comprehensively balance three importance evaluation factors, including component degradation degree, maintenance cost and the impact on system reliability. Maintenance time is determined by judging whether system reliability is up to setting threshold, maintenance sequence is determined by components MPN; meanwhile maintenance scope and the corresponding measures are optimized by an established maintenance unit time cost model. Finally, the proposed method is applied to some strap-down inertial system (SINS) and the simulation results show that the proposed predictive maintenance strategy is feasible and effective. © 2015, Press of Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. All right reserved.