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Xin Fan
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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Paper Publications
[61]贾棋, 樊鑫, 李豪杰, 罗钟铉, 郭禾.Hierarchical projective invariant contexts for shape recognition[J],Pattern Recognition,2016
[62]Chen, Pingjun, Fan, Xin, Liu, Ruiyang, Tang, Xianxuan, Cheng, Hua.FIBER SEGMENTATION USING A DENSITY-PEAKS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM[A],2015,2015-July:633-637
[63]Fan, Xin, Wang, Hao, Luo, Zhongxuan, Li, Yuntao, Hu, Wenyu, Daiyun, X (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Fiducial Facial Point Extraction Using a Novel Projective Invariant[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,2015,24(3):1164-1177
[64]Hu, Wenyu, Luo, Zhongxuan, Fan, Xin, X (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software, Dalian 116620, Peoples R China..Image Retargeting Via Adaptive Scaling With Geometry Preservation[J],IEEE JOURNAL ON EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS,2014,4(1):70-81
[65]罗钟铉, 樊鑫, 李豪杰.一种射影变换下的形状匹配方法[A],2013
[66]Venkataraman, Vijay, Fan, Guoliang, Havlicek, Joseph P., Xin, Zhai, Yan, Yeary, Mark B., V (reprint author), Oklahoma State Univ, Sch Elect & Comp Engn, Stillwater, OK 74078 USA..Adaptive Kalman Filtering for Histogram-Based Appearance Learning in Infrared Imagery[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,2012,21(11):4622-4635
[67]Saxena, Kirti, Emslie, Graham J., Soares, Jair C., Chia, Jonathan, Rollins, Nancy, Simmons, Alex, Walley, Annie, Tamm, Leanne, Huang, Hao, Fan, Xin, K (reprint author), Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston, Dept Psychiat, 1941 East Rd, Houston, TX 77054 USA..A Preliminary Investigation of Corpus Callosum and Anterior Commissure Aberrations in Aggressiv...[J],JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY,2012,22(2):112-119
[68]樊鑫.Distinctive disruption patterns of white matter tracts in Alzheimers disease with full diffusion ...[J],Neurobiology of Aging,2012,33(9):2029-2045
[69]樊鑫, 王祎, 罗钟铉, 王胜法.Efficient Mesh-based Face Beautifier on Mobile Devices[A],2012
[70]Huang, Hao, Fan, Xin, Williamson, Douglas E., Rao, Uma, U (reprint author), Univ Texas SW Med Ctr Dallas, Dept Psychiat, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390 USA..White Matter Changes in Healthy Adolescents at Familial Risk for Unipolar Depression: A Diffusi...[J],NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY,2011,36(3):684-691
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