- 主要任职:材料科学与工程学院副院长
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:哈尔滨工业大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:材料科学与工程学院
- 学科:材料学
- 办公地点:大连理工大学材料馆224
- 联系方式:dongxf@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:dongxf@dlut.edu.cn
[81] 董旭峰, 齐民, Guan, Xinchun, 欧进萍.Image analysis of the microstructure of pseudo-1-3 magnetostrictive composites[A],Conference on Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite
[82] 佟昱, 董旭峰, 齐民.High performance magnetorheological fluids with flower-like cobalt particles[J],SMART MATERIALS STRUCTURES,2022,26(2)
[83] 佟昱, 董旭峰, 齐民.Improved tunable range of the field-induced storage modulus by using flower-like particles as the ac[J],Soft Matter,2022,14(18):3504-3509
[84] 董旭峰, Guan Xin-chun, 齐民, 欧进萍.Influence of arrangement field on magnetostrictive and mechanical properties of magnetostrictive c[J],Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2022,19(6):1454-1458
[85] 董旭峰, 赵红, 齐民, 马宁, 欧进萍.Influence of Viscosity of Carrier Liquid on Performance of Electrorheological Fluids[A],IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
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[86] 罗倩, 田瑞雪, 吴爱民, 董旭峰, 靳晓哲, 周抒予, 黄昊.In-built durable Li–S counterparts from Li–TiS2 batteries[J],MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY,2022
[87] Niu, Chenguang, 董旭峰, 赵红, 齐民.Properties of aniline-modified strontium titanyl oxalate-based electrorheological suspension[J],SMART MATERIALS STRUCTURES,2022,23(7)
[88] 董旭峰, 佟昱, 马宁, 齐民, 欧进萍.Properties of cobalt nanofiber-based magnetorheological fluids[J],RSC Advances,2022,5(18):13958-13963
[89] Ding, Siqi, 韩宝国, 董素芬, Li, Hongyan, 欧阳剑, 董旭峰.Quantum tunneling composites and detectors for intelligent transportation systems[A],Fifth International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement,
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[90] Zhu, Shengming, 董旭峰, 黄昊, 齐民.Rich nitrogen-doped carbon on carbon nanotubes for high-performance sodium-ion supercapacitors[J],JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2022,459
[91] Luo, Qian, Tian, Ruixue, 吴爱民, 董旭峰, Jin, Xiaozhe, Zhou, Shuyu, 黄昊.In-built run language="sv" backColor="ffffff" run language="sv" backColor="ffffff" run language="s[J],MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY,2022,17
[92] 董旭峰, 马宁, 韩宝国, Guo, Pengfei, Huang, Yonghu.Improved distribution homogeneity of carbonyl iron particles in magnetorheological elastomers by a[J],SMART MATERIALS STRUCTURES,2022,29(2)
[93] 佟宇, 李晓光, Zhao, Penghui, 董旭峰, 武湛君, 齐民.Improved Magnetorheological Properties by Using Ionic Liquid as Carrier Liquid of Magnetorheological[J],FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS,2022,8
[94] Wang, Guangshuo, Ma, Yingying, Li, Meixia, Cui, Guohua, Che, Hongwei, Mu, Jingbo, 张晓亮, 佟昱, 董旭峰.Magnesium ferrite nanocrystal clusters for magnetorheological fluid with enhanced sedimentation st[J],SOLID STATE SCIENCES,2022,63:70-75
[95] Liu, Kuiming, Zhu, Shengming, 董旭峰, 黄昊, 齐民.Ionic Liquid-Assisted Anchoring SnO2 Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes as Highly Cyclable Anode of[J],Advanced Materials Interfaces,2022,7(14)
[96] 王旭辉, Zhu, Shengming, 董旭峰, 黄昊, 齐民.Ionic liquid assisted electrospinning synthesis for ultra-uniform Sn@ mesoporous carbon nanofibers a[J],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2022,866
[97] Guan, Xinchun, 董旭峰, 欧进萍.Magnetostrictive effect of magnetorheological elastomer[J],JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS,2022,320(3-4):158-163
[98] 董旭峰, 齐民, Guan, Xinchun, 李金海, 欧进萍.Magnetostrictive properties of titanate coupling agent treated Terfenol-D composites[J],JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS,2022,324(6):1205-1208
[99] 靳晓哲, 田瑞雪, 吴爱民, 肖亚丹, 董旭峰, 胡方圆, 黄昊.Lithium-Ion Storage in Molybdenum Phosphides with Different Crystal Structure[J],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2022
[100] Jin, Xiaozhe, Tian, Ruixue, 吴爱民, Xiao, Yadan, 董旭峰, 胡方圆, 黄昊.Lithium-ion storage in molybdenum phosphides with different crystal structures[J],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2022,49(7):2225-2233