Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-01-01
Journal:Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
Included Journals:Scopus
Issue:SPEC. ISS. 1
Page Number:501-510
ISSN No.:09737510
Abstract:Indoor air quality not only affects the comfort and health, but also has an impact on indoor work efficiency. The research concentrates on the study of a university in China and measures the air quality of classroom, with projects including CO2 concentration, temperature, relative humidity and particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), in order to explore the impact of CO2 concentration factors and their impact on students' learning outcomes. The study concludes that the biggest factor affecting college indoor air quality exceeded the indoor CO2 concentration, ventilation lacking and the classroom overcrowding; proving that the indoor CO2 concentration exceeded have a significant effect on students' learning efficiency. The continuous monitoring reflects the growth of the indoor CO2 concentration of the number of ventilators, also higher in winter heating than the fall. Based on the premise of the feasibility, the paper proposed several new methods to lower the indoor CO2 concentration during winter.