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Large substructure identification using substructure isolation method


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2012-03-12

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Key Words:Structural Health Monitoring (SHM); Damage identification; Substructure; Interface force

Abstract:Substructure Isolation Method (SIM) is used for large substructure identification. It utilizes the responses of global structure to construct the responses of the isolated substructure, which is a virtual and independent structure with the same system parameters as the real substructure. Then, the substructure identification is carried out equivalently via the isolated substructure and flexibly by some of the existing identification methods which aim originally at the large structure. Therefore, the performance of the SIM offers the possibility that the large substructure can be identified. A numerical bridge model is used to verify the proposed method, which preforms efficiently and accurately.

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