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Pipeline Damage Identification Based on Additional Virtual Masses


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE、Scopus



ISSN No.:2076-3417

Key Words:pipeline structure; damage degree identification; additional virtual masses; natural frequency; sensitivity

Abstract:To improve the identification sensitivity of local damages in pipelines, we propose an added virtual mass method thatprevents adding real masses to the pipeline. First, we develop a method of adding virtual masses to pipelines based on the virtual distortion method (VDM). Second, a frequency response to the added mass is constructed using the excitation and acceleration responses. The quantity of mass and the corresponding selected natural frequency with high sensitivity are both determined by the analyzing the sensitivity of the relationship between mass and natural frequency. Finally, the degree of damage can be accurately identified by adding virtual masses on the substructure of the pipeline combined with sensitivity and frequency. Using numerical simulations and experiments, we verify the feasibility of the added virtual mass method for the identification of damages to pipeline structures.

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