Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-29
Page Number:153
ISSN No.:1007-4708
Abstract:Moving force identification of long-span bridges is an important part of
structural health monitoring,and as an inverse problem,it is
ill-conditioning with uniqueness and stability problems.This paper
deduced the discretized formulation of structure responses to moving
force,employed the shape functions from the finite element method to fit
the time history of moving force,and developed the moving force
identification formulas based on load shape functions.The identification
problem of moving force was transformed into determining the fitting
coefficients of load shape functions,which decreased the unknown
parameters,reduced calculation in the matrix inverse operation,removed
or weakened the ill condition and promoted computational efficiency.To
evaluate the proposed algorithm,a prestressed rigid-continuous concrete
bridge was simulated by its modified finite element model,which
subjected to moving force considering road roughness.The responses were
analyzed by mode superposition technique,and moving force was estimated
by load shape functions.Results show that the moving force with noise
below 5% can be identified for complex bridges efficiently and