Date of Publication:2013-01-01
Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部
Page Number:100-105
ISSN No.:1000-3835
Abstract:For large structures in civil engineering, due to their complexity, the limitation of the sensors and the insensitivity to the local damage, the model updating is hard to be performed accurately. Aiming at overcoming the above problems, in the model updating of a space truss structure, global and local dynamic tests were carried out, and the measured global and local dynamic information were summed up for the truss model updating. The global test was made to obtain the lower order modes which reflect the global information of the structure; then certain mass was added on the truss element to modify the local dynamic characteristics of truss element. The local primary frequency of the mass added truss was measured and all the experiment data, including lower modes characteristics and local primary frequencies were combined and used for modal updating. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method was verified by examples.