Date of Publication:2022-10-06
Page Number:890-896
ISSN No.:1000-8608
Abstract:A more suitable way to economize computational time for risk index and its sensitivity calculation is presented, and then the efficiency from the analytic perspective is enhanced. For example, the CS&R (contingency screening and ranking) methods for low voltage and voltage collapse are applied to quickly detect the non-zero risk contingency, and the second order loss sensitivity index is adopted to take the place of CPF (continuation power flow) to determine the expected value of the loadability. The risk sensitivity calculation is also carried out to provide the useful information for the selection of preventive and corrective action to mitigate the security problem. And a full framework of risk-based voltage security assessment is proposed to give a more clear understanding about this subject. Case study with IEEEll8-bus system is carried out and the conclusion can be drawn that the integrity assessment for risk-based voltage security proposed presents quick and accurate advantages and is very suitable for online analysis.