Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2017-04-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:274-285
ISSN No.:0315-1468
Key Words:adjacent signalized intersections; left-turn lane space; signal coordination; integrative design; delay minimization; optimization models.
Abstract:For two adjacent signalized intersections with short left-turn lanes, the capacity and delay for each intersection depend on not only the left-turn lane space but also the signal coordination strategy. In this paper, two optimization models are formulated to integrate the design of the left-turn lane space and signal coordination. While model II can simultaneously optimize the short-lane space, green splits, and offset under the equal-cycle constraint, model I could not simultaneously obtain them. The simulation-based algorithm is proposed to seek the best offset in the global range when the common cycle length, green splits and short-lane length are all ascertained together with signal phase plan. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate these two models. The findings reveal that model II is more effective and easier to apply than model I. Finally, the application of model II in engineering practice is also given.