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学科:工程管理. 管理科学与工程. 项目管理
- [61]Shan Y.-H., 李忠富.Integration and application of lean principles and six sigma in residential construction[A],2012 3rd International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, IEMI 2012,2022,245-252
- [62]Yuan, Mengqi, 李忠富, 李小东, Luo, Xiaowei.Managing stakeholder-associated risks and their interactions in the life cycle of prefabricated b...[J],JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2022,323
- [63]He, Yujia, 石磊, 李忠富.The combined effect of marginal social and private benefit on the socially optimal equity structu...[J],CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS,2022,39(10):807-823
- [64]李忠富.The forecast demand for affordable housing in Harbin based on the gray forecast GM(1,1) model[A],ICCREM 2011,2022,457-461
- [65]Jiang, Peng, Yu, Shaole, Luan, Wei, Chen, Xinxi, 杨琴, 李忠富.The Key Construction Technology Research on the Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland[J],Advances in Civil Engineering,2022,2020
- [66]Wen, Quan, Gu, Jianping, Hong, Jingke, Shen, Geoffrey Qiping, 李忠富, Yuan, Man.Unfolding interregional energy flow structure of China's construction sector based on province-...[J],JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022,253:109693
- [67]李忠富, 姜韶华.Web-based Text Mining for Extracting Relationships among Policies of Building and Construction In...[A],2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management,2022
- [68]李忠富, 李昕, 姜韶华.Web-Based Text Mining for Extracting Relationships among Policies of Building and the Constructio...[A],2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management: Smart Construction and Management in the Context of New Technology, ICCREM 2014,2022,237-245
- [69]米萨, 李忠富, 戴利人.中英两国工业化建筑系统(IBS)的比较研究[J],建筑设计管理,2022,5:2-9
- [70]李忠富, 何雨薇, 刘世青.产业化住宅施工进度的理论分析与实际测算[J],建筑经济,2022,7:95-99
- [71]项秋银, 李忠富.互联网时代的住宅装修模式研究[J],工程管理学报,2022,32(2):56-61
- [72]李忠富, 孙丽梅.住宅产业化发展中的SI体系研究[J],工程管理学报,2022,3:47-51
- [73]李忠富, 刘世青, 曹新颖.住宅产业化对住宅建设劳动生产效率的影响测度分析[J],建筑经济,2022,5:14-18
- [74]李忠富.住宅产业化对建筑业生产方式与管理方式转变的影响研究[A],中国工程科技论坛暨第九届中国工程管理论坛论文集,2022,787-791
- [75]李忠富, 蔡晋, 李龙.住宅产业化用户需求识别与重要度分析——基于Kano模型[J],建筑经济,2022,39(9):80-85
- [76]李忠富.住宅产业化的施工安全性能优势分析[J],科技纵览,2022,1:101-106
- [77]杨阳, 李忠富.住宅产业化背景下各类建筑企业的发展模式及路径[J],建筑经济,2022,03:8-11
- [78]李忠富, 蔡晋, 张胜昔.住宅产业化背景下用户需求在不同收入群体的变化分析——基于Kano模型[J],工程管理学报,2022,33(01):135-140
- [79]杨晓冬, 李忠富.住宅租赁特征价格研究——以哈尔滨市为例[J],系统管理学报,2022,4:486-493
- [80]李忠富, 杨晓林.先进建筑生产管理理论体系的构建[A],2012中国工程管理论坛,2022,71-74