Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-10-01
Journal:International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:364-381
ISSN No.:17485037
Abstract:Wind tunnel balance is one of the most important measurement instruments in the aerodynamic field. In this paper, a new type of piezoelectric wind tunnel balance is developed to measure the dynamic six-component force in the case of the hatch open motion device in the subsonic flow field. This mechanical device mainly consists of a novel piezoelectric balance and a rotary encoder. The piezoelectric balance assembled with four triaxial piezoelectric load cells is developed as the core force measurement of the device. According to the electric charges output of the load cells which are proportional to the airloads, the six-component force and moment can be inversely calculated and the measuring model of the dynamic are presented. The characteristics of the piezoelectric balance have been performed by the static calibration and the dynamic test. The experimental results show that the non-linearity and repeatability error is within 0.06% and 0.19%, the maximum crosstalk error is 1.94%. The first natural frequency of the mechanical device is 163.57 Hz. The piezoelectric balance has a good performance of dynamic response and following feature. It is appropriate for the piezoelectric balance to be used to measure the dynamic airloads in the wind tunnel. Copyright ? 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.