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Date of Publication:2022-10-07


Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院


Page Number:2037-2044

ISSN No.:1000-6893

Abstract:To meet the need to improve the control precision of rocket engines, a piezoelectric measurement system is developed with quartz crystal as the force-sensitive element for measuring the dynamic thrust vector of an attitude/orbit rocket. After introducing and calculating the describing parameters of the thrust vector, this article puts forward a measurement scheme. According to the static balance principle, the general equa-tions for solving the describing parameters are derived and proved reliable. The nonlinear modal analysis is im-proved to build a theoretical dynamic model based on actual frequency response and phase response. The dy-namic performance and the pulse measurement performance are obtained by Laplace transform and the inverse and convolution theorem. In studying the pulse measurement, dynamic error is produced, mainly by accelera-tion. A compensation algorithm for acceleration is advanced based on the theoretical dynamic model. Finally, the experimental results prove that the measurement scheme and the compensation algorithm are feasible and reasonable.


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