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Date of Publication:2022-10-07



Page Number:667-670

ISSN No.:1000-8608

Abstract:A transfer function was set up on the model of the thrust and thrust vector measuring platform for trajectory/attitude control rocket engine by using the principle of the mode-testing method to decouple the matrix. The finite-element analysis was used to evaluate the natural frequency. By using the mode-testing method, a more precise test of the measuring platform was done in order to get the natural frequency, damping ratio, principal modes of vibration and residual under 4 kHz of the measuring platform in the actual installation estate, which proved the validity of the finite-element analysis and the reasonableness of the measuring platform system. By using the model to analyze the influence on measure results of system parameters on MATLAB/Simulink environment, and experiment in the actual installation estate, the accuracy of the transfer function is proved.


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