Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2012-06-25
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Abstract:Cognitive radio nodes can form a wireless network automatically based on the "group" concept: In a given area, cognitive radio nodes are assumed to be activated randomly. Activated cognitive radio nodes form multiple "groups". Each group consists of a leader node, some bridge nodes and regular nodes. Leader node is capable of communicating with any group member node, and bridge nodes connect different groups to form a scalable network. With this concept, incorporating the available spectrum, cognitive radio nodes can form a network without the constraint of common channel availability. This paper first proposes a scheme for the node communication, and then based on this scheme, analyzes the numbers of nodes and channels required to maintain full connectivity of the cognitive radio network formed for emergency situation. Finally, this paper investigates the connectivity of the group-based cognitive radio network with arbitrary topology. ? 2012 IEEE.
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