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Three-dimensional integral imaging with circular non-uniform distribution


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2020-03-01


Included Journals:EI、SCIE


ISSN No.:0143-8166

Key Words:Integral imaging; Circular non-uniform distribution; Elemental images; Voxel resolution

Abstract:In this paper, we present the realization of three-dimensional integral imaging with circular non-uniform distribution. Due to circular non-uniform distributed cameras for the pickup configuration, more light information from a 3D scene can be collected. To achieve a flexible integral imaging system, a camera is moved along a circular track with random central angles to capture a set of elemental images. We develop a mathematical framework for error estimation of the camera positions. The experimental results are carried out to verify the proposed system. We also analyze voxel resolution for the performance evaluation of the proposed system, based on two point sources resolution criteria.

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