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English to Chinese《“欧洲中心论”及其表现:社会科学的困境》"Eurocentrism" and its Performance: The Dilemma of Social Sciences


The First Author:马万利

Place of Publication:社会科学文献出版社


Description of Publication:【美国】伊曼纽尔?沃勒斯坦著,载《史学理论与史学史学刊》,2002年卷,瞿林东主编,社会科学文献出版社2003年11月。

Type of Works:Translated Work

Classification of Disciplines:History

Translated or Not:no

Pre One:Anticorruption in History:From Antiquity to the Modern Era, by Ronald Kroeze, Andre Vitoria, Guy Geltner,

Next One:English to Chinese《剑桥十八世纪政治思想史》Cambridge History of Political Thought in Eighteenth Century