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Scandium-catalyzed copolymerization of myrcene with ethylene and propylene: convenient syntheses of versatile functionalized polyolefins


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2018-03-14


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:1223-1233

ISSN No.:1759-9954

Abstract:The copolymerization of myrcene with ethylene and propylene using half-sandwich scandium complexes bearing various auxiliary ligands has been examined. In the copolymerization of myrcene with ethylene, the THF-free aminobenzyl scandium complex bearing a relatively small cyclopentadienyl ligand (C5H5) Sc (CH2C6H4NMe2-o) 2 (1) afforded diblock myrcene-ethylene copolymers with a high myrcene content and predominant cis-1,4-structure, whereas the analogous scandium complex with a larger cyclopentadienyl ligand (C5Me4SiMe3) Sc(CH2C6H4NMe2-o) 2 (2) afforded multiblock myrcene-ethylene copolymers with different myrcene contents and a predominant 3,4-structure. In contrast, the THF-containing trimethylsilylmethyl scandium complex (C5Me4SiMe3) Sc(CH2SiMe3) 2(THF) (3) afforded alternating myrcene-ethylene copolymers on using a sufficient amount of myrcene. More remarkably, the terpolymerization of myrcene with ethylene and propylene has also been realized using a scandium complex 3, yielding a new family of myrcene-based ethylene-propylene-diene rubbers (EPDM) with versatile C=C double bonds in the main and side chains. By efficiently transforming the C=C double bonds of the resulting myrcene-based EPDM into other polar groups, versatile functionalized polyolefins such as thioacetic acid, sulfoacid, and epoxidized, hydroxylated-chlorinated and furan functionalized polyolefins were obtained.

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