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Robust stability analysis for feedback systems with simultaneous uncertainties via IQCs


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2021-01-10




Page Number:2643-2650

ISSN No.:1751-8644

Key Words:uncertain systems; feedback; time-varying systems; continuous time systems; linear systems; stability criteria; stability; graph theory; robust control; two-port networked system; IQCs; robust stability criteria; robust stability analysis; feedback system; simultaneous uncertainties; feedback interconnections; continuous-time causal linear systems; finite-energy signals; integral quadratic constraints; plants; path-connected uncertainty sets; Feintuch's time-varying gap

Abstract:The robust stability of feedback interconnections is studied for a class of continuous-time causal linear systems over finite-energy signals of non-uniformly lower-bounded support. The stability of the feedback system with simultaneous uncertainties in the plant and the controller is exploited via integral quadratic constraints (IQCs), in which the plants and controllers are taken from two path-connected uncertainty sets with respect to the Feintuch's time-varying gap metric. Subsequently, the robust stability of the two-port networked system is characterised by means of the combination of IQCs and the time-varying gap. In particular, some robust stability criteria are applicable to the linear systems that do not have strong graph representations.

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