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毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 化工学院

学科: 精细化工

办公地点: 大连理工大学西部校区E-226

联系方式: 0411-84986304

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Highly selective and anions controlled fluorescent sensor for Hg(2+) in aqueous environment


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2008-09-01


收录刊物: EI、PubMed、SCIE、Scopus

卷号: 18

期号: 5

页面范围: 919-924

ISSN号: 1053-0509

关键字: mercury; sensor; fluorescence; anions

摘要: A highly selective PET fluorescent sensor B1 for Hg(2+) containing a BODIPY fluorophore and a NS(2)O(2) pentachelating receptor has been synthesized and characterized. Its absorption maximum wavelength (498 nm) and emission maximum wavelength (512 nm) are both in the visible range. The fluorescence quantum yields of the B1 and Hg(2+)- bound states of BHg1 are 0.008 and 0.58 in 70% aqueous ethanol solution, respectively. The pKa of 1.97 is the lowest in metal ions PET chemo sensors reported up till now as we know. Thus, B1 can detect the Hg(2+) in a wide pH span, which indicates that it has more potential and further practical applications for biology and toxicology. Furthermore, BHg1 also displays response to some anions such as Cl(-)(Br(-)), CO(3)(2-) 3, SCN(-) and CH(3)COO(-), which is attributed to the significant coordinating ability of these anions to Hg2+.

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