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长期时效条件下 Ta/(Ta+Ti)变化对镍基高温合金铸态组织与性能的影响


Date of Publication:2024-08-28



Page Number:2025-2034

ISSN No.:1002-185X

Key Words:Absolute values; As cast microstructure; Carbides; Grain-boundaries; Hardness; Long-term aging; Microstructure; Microstructure and properties; Nickel alloys; Nickel based alloy; Nickel-based superalloys; Precipitation (chemical); Scanning electron microscopy; Segregation; Segregation (metallography); Superalloys; Ta/(ta+ti); Titanium alloys; Vacuum applications; Vacuum induction melting

Pre One:Role of {332}<113> twinning on adiabatic shear behavior during dynamic loading in β-type Ti-15Mo alloy

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